

Georgia Ranks 7th in the World for Ease of Doing Business, says Latest World Bank Study.
The leading sector in GDP
According to the results of Q3 2024, activities related to real estate and construction hold the leading position in GDP, with an 18% share.

According to the “Safety Perceptions Index 2023” by IEP’s Clavis, Georgia ranks 11th in Europe and 21st in the world in terms of business operating safety.


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Most popular apartment sizes by type

Apartment price

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The price is adjustable based on the client's individual terms and market conditions

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We offer options with or without a down payment

Down payment $

Amount for internal installment

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0% internal installment plan covers 40% of the apartment's value

Monthly payment for internal installment

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40% of the apartment's value is spread over the internal installment period


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The forecast is based on an analysis of the trends in the Tbilisi real estate market

Yearly rental income

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It is calculated based on the average rental rate of a specific neighborhood

Payback Period

Price at project completion

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It considers Tbilisi real estate trends by neighborhood and apartment type

Since 1992, Georgia has been a member of the ICSID Convention and has signed bilateral investment treaties (BITs) with 33 countries. Through integration with the international community, the country has attracted foreign-owned businesses, which have significantly contributed to the growth of the national economy. Notably, according to the World Bank, Georgia ranks seventh among countries where starting and developing a business is easy and convenient (World Bank, 2019).

Property rights are protected under the Constitution of Georgia. There are no restrictions on foreign ownership. Solvent investors are entitled to convert income derived from investments or other sources into any currency at market rates and repatriate it abroad without limitations. Additionally, foreign nationals who purchase real estate worth $100,000 are given the opportunity to apply for an official residence permit.

Individuals with substantial assets (natural persons with verified assets exceeding 3 million GEL or an annual income of at least 200,000 GEL over the past three years) and who own property worth at least $0.5 million in Georgia may obtain tax residency if they either hold a residence permit or receive an annual income of at least 25,000 GEL from Georgia.

Residents of Georgia pay income tax at a standard rate of 20%, while rental or sale of property is taxed at 5%. (Order No. 60 of the Minister of Finance of Georgia; March 1, 2023; Tbilisi.)

In 2023, apartment sales increased by 4.2% y/y, driven by sustained demand in Tbilisi’s real estate market. In the same year, apartments worth $2.9 billion were sold in Tbilisi, reflecting an annual growth rate of 9.9%.

As of Q3 2024, real estate ranked as the third-largest contributor to Georgia’s GDP. Preliminary data indicate that foreign direct investments (FDI) in Georgia reached $197.7 million in Q3 2024.

According to research by Galt & Taggart, 3,513 transactions were completed in Tbilisi in November 2024, representing a 6.5% year-on-year increase. In November, prices rose by 0.4% month-on-month, reaching $1 312 per square meter. In total, apartments worth $282.6 million were sold in Tbilisi in November 2024, marking 18.2% y/y growth.

Georgia’s strategic goals are closely aligned with its Euro-Atlantic course. On December 14, 2023, the European Council granted Georgia candidate status for EU membership. Additionally, Georgia has visa-free travel agreements with 98 countries.

According to the “Safety Perceptions Index 2023” by IEP, Georgia ranks 11th in Europe and 21st globally in terms of business security.

Parallel to global market integration, Georgia is attracting more visitors through Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). In Q3 2024, there were 2.8 million international non-resident arrivals in Georgia, a 2.5% increase compared to the same period the previous year. During the same quarter, the average monthly number of tourist-type visits by international visitors was 859.6 thousand, a 4.5% increase y/y (National Statistics Office of Georgia).

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